the one-stop collection of information and videos and information related to learning auto/vehicle mechanics and how they work, all approved by auto mechanic instructors.
Why use our site?
Whether you're a mechanic, learning to be a mechanic or just interested how things work on your own car, this collection of videos and explanations has been selected by auto mechanic instructors so you know the content is accurate!
If you have a video that you would like including in this collection, or you find one that's better than we have here, please let us know.
We are currently putting together an Automotive Dictionary, which will feature descriptions and pictures explaining what words mean and parts do. If you would like to help us with this or give us a hand in Translating any of our videos, please get in touch with us on Facebook.
We've recently started working on an automotive dictionary / glossary. The idea for this came from our site users and our YouTube community. We found that there were common terms used by garages and mechanics that were difficult to explain or understand and often there was confusion around what was being talked about.
Our Automotive dictionary and jargon buster uses pictures and short explanations arranged in alphabetical order. Why not try it out now? click here
Jargon busting with the Automotive Dictionary
Whether you're learning to be a mechanic or just interested in vehicles, there are some very clear benefits in learning about how they work which can save you money and ensure you have a safe vehicle.
Let's look at a few key areas where you can win.
1. Repairing your own Vehicle
2. Knowing how much repairs should cost
3. Prolonging the life of your car
To keep your car in the optimal condition, you'll need to carry out routine maintenance, including changing the oil, light bulbs, windscreen wipers and other fluids etc. Learning and knowing how to do these routine tasks can save you a significant amount of money (and can maximise the life of your vehicle, see below at point 3).
In the event of a breakdown, knowledge of your vehicle can come in handy and either enable you to figure out what's one wrong and get the vehicle going again, saving on recovery costs, or getting the right information across to your breakdown service to get the right help.
It's no great secret that there are some unscrupulous mechanics out there, and coming across as knowing nothing about your vehicle can tempt these charlatans into inflating repair quotes or even carrying out work that doesn't even need to be done!!
Learning more about your vehicle and how it operates can give you some knowledge of how much repairs should cost, allowing you to avoid over inflated repair costs or even repairs that don't need to be carried out, and often negotiate with the garage to get you a fairer deal for the repairs.

Knowing how your car works is connected to knowing how it can break. For example, if you know that "riding the clutch" can lead to it prematurely wearing out, or leaving your differential locks in once your back on solid ground can lead to wind up an stress, you'll be less likely to do that.
Also, you'll be able to recognise when your car is working well and in turn, when you feel a slight noise when you go around a left hand bend, you know that a problem could be developing in a wheel bearing, and finding/fixing small problems before they turn into big ones can prolong the life of your vehicle and in turn save you money.